Thursday 26 March 2015


Prophetic medicine: Talbina in islam.


"The talbina relieves the patient's heart and dispenses it some of their sadness."

Source : Agencies / 14 May 2014

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) belongs to the grass family, Poaceae (Gramineae). It is the fourth most important cereal crop after wheat, maize and rice and is among the top ten crop plants in the world. Barley is classified as spring or winter types, two-rowed or six-rowed, hulled or hulless by presence or absence of hull tightly adhering to the grain and malting or feed by end-use type.

Six rowed barley can produce 25-60 grains, while two-rowed barley produces 25-30 grains per spike. Wild barley is two-rowed and mostcultivated barley is of the six-rowed type. Globally over 136 million tones of barley are produced annually on about 56 million hectares.

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to recommend talbina for the sick and for which suffered too by a dead person. "She (may Allaah be pleased with her) said:" I heard that the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) said: "the talbina gives rest to the patient's heart and makes it active and helps relieve your pain and sorrow." [Sahih al - Bukhari (5325)]. 

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said that whenever one of their dying relatives, women is met and is dispersed (returned to their homes), except for relatives and close friends. 

She (may Allah be pleased with her) was with them in order to prepare a pot of talbina.

After the Tharid (a dish prepared with meat and bread) is prepared and the talbina poured over it. "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) would say (to women)," eat it, because I have heard that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) said: "the talbina relieves the patient's heart and dispenses it some of their sadness." [Sahih al - Bukhari (5058)]. 

Hisham's father (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to recommend the talbina and although it was used to say that no you would like (for the patient), was beneficial." " [Sahih al - Bukhari (5326)]. 

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) said: "I encourage you to use what you don't like, but beneficial (Talbina) for the soul of Muhammad one whose hand is, cleanses the stomach of one of you as you clean the dirt in the face with water." [Hakim (7455) Mustadrak, Sahih Dhahabi as mentioned in ' Talkhees ", extracted from Maktaba Shaamilah, see also Mustadrak (8245), whose chain is in the condition of Bukhari as Dhahabi mentioned"]. 

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated: "If someone from the family of the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) is sick, the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) said: ' the (talbina) relieves the heart of pain and clean the diseased heart as well as what cleans the dirt from your face with water." [Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maja (3445), Hasan hadeeth]. 

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated that the Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wa Salaam) said: "you should eat profitability even if it is unpleasant to eat (Talbina), i.e. the stock." If any member of the family of the Messenger of Allah was ill, the pot would continue in the fire until one of two things, either the person recovered or died "." [Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maja (3446) Hasan hadeeth]. 


The Talbina is made by adding 1-2 tablespoons barley flour (must be 100% whole wheat flour of barley) and a cup and a half of water. Put slow fire for 10-15 minutes (optional: add milk or yogurt and sweetened with honey). This can also be used to thicken foods for sauces, soups, dishes, etc. 

Alternatively, you can add 1-2 tablespoons barley flour (must be 100% whole wheat flour of barley) to one and a half cups of milk. Put slow fire for 10-15 minutes (optional: add water or yogurt and sweetened with honey). 

Talbina mixture can then put it in the blender with fresh or frozen fruit or ground flax seed. etc can be mixed together to make a delicious smoothie of talbina.

Drink at least one cup daily.

Aisha used to recommend At-Talbina for the sick and for such a person as grieved over a dead person.
By Karima Burns / 16 May 2013

Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The stomach is the central basin of the body, and the veins are connected to it. When the stomach is healthy, it passes on its condition to veins, and in turn the veins will circulate the same and when the stomach is putrescence, the veins will absorb such putrescence and issue the same”.

1999 AD

“The diet of the future will not be designed to lose weight, but to cheat death. Within the next few years, scientists hope to meld increasing knowledge about the genetic makeup of the human body with the equally promising use of food as medicine to customize diets that can forestall, treat or even prevent disease.”- The Los Angeles Times

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) used to recommend At-Talbina for the sick and for such a person as grieved over a dead person. She used to say, "I heard Allah's Apostle (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saying, 'At-Talbina’ gives rest to the heart of the patient and makes it active and relieves some of his sorrow and grief. " In fact, the prophet used to “prescribe” food for ailments even more than he prescribed herbs or medicines.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used everything from barley soup to honey to camel’s milk to heal his followers and advised them to eat certain foods to prevent or cure other ailments. In fact, food is one of the oldest and most respected healing tools available to man. Even the first fruits of paradise - the apple and/or the pomegranate - have hundreds of curative properties. The Chinese and Indian healers have used the properties of food to heal for thousands of years.

Modern science is now “discovering” the power that food has. Bookshelves at the store are filled with books on Ayurvedic medicine, books like Eat Right 4 Your Type, hundreds of books on how to detoxify your body using diet and an equal number of books touting certain ways of eating such as macrobiotic or vegan as a “cure all” for any disease. Other books give specific recipes or lists of foods that cure various diseases.

The Los Angeles Times reported a few years ago that, “...some experts are already espousing the medicinal power of certain foods to some patients. They are advising menopausal women to drink soy milk, which is thought to ease hot flashes and other symptoms. They are suggesting fish high in omega-3 oils, like salmon, herring and mackerel, to patients at risk of cardiovascular disease or breast cancer. And for men fearing prostate cancer, they are advising consumption of more tomato-based products, such as spaghetti sauce--because tomatoes are high in lycopene, thought to reduce the risk of this disease” (Cimons).

In reality, healing with food is one of the oldest methods of healing known to man and is not a “new” concept in any way. It is also one of the most economical and globally available methods of healing known to man. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used it more than a thousand years ago and even a thousand years before him the Chinese used it.

In fact, in areas where medicine and herbs are not available, food can provide a solution to many medical problems. In many developing countries where people cannot afford to buy medicines, traditional healers commonly hand out prescriptions in terms of berries or cups of oats.

In the book, Smoothies for Life, the following recipe is given for preventing osteoporosis:


1 cup nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup nonfat milk
1/4 cup pitted dates
1 frozen banana
3 tablespoons of tahini
Add a sprig of mint, blend together and drink.
Dates and Tahini are credited with giving this nutritious shake a big calcium boost. In fact, foods like humus, zaaatar or anything else with a large proportion of tahini or sesame seeds will help prevent osteoporosis.

In the book, Ayurvedic Cooking for Westerners, Amadea Morningstar gives the following recipe to heal candida and depression stemming from such a condition:

Minestrone Soup
2/3 cup dried mung beans, navy beans and chick peas
8 cups water
1 bay leaf
Cook the beans until done (soak overnight first).
Wash and chop:
2 potatoes
1 carrot
3 inches of leek
2 stalks of celery
1 cup of fresh green vegetables
Add these vegetables to the pot with the beans and:
1 cup rose petal tomato sauce
1/2 cup white basmati rice
1 tsp. salt
2 tsp. sweet basil
1/2 tsp. dried thyme
Simmer for 45 minutes and serve.

In the book, New Foods for Healing, the editors of Prevention Magazine list recipes for almost every disease including the following recipe for high cholesterol:

Oatmeal-Apricot Cookies
2/3 cup dried apricots, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup boiling water
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
1/4 cup unsalted butter at room temperature
1/4 cup fat-free egg substitute
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
2 1/2 cups oats

Combine the apricots in the food processor with the water until well-blended. Add this to the sugar and butter in another bowl. Add the egg substitute and vanilla. Beat. Add the rest of the ingredients except the oats and mix again. Sprinkle the oats over the mix, stirring. Bake at 350.

The key in this recipe is, of course, the oats. Oat bran and oatmeal, in fact, are still the most popular ways to lower cholesterol. Some doctors even recommend that taking 1/2 cup of oat bran a day will cure cholesterol (Kowalski).

In Healing with Whole Foods, Paul Pitchford gives lists of foods that help to cure various diseases along with helpful recipes such as the following dish for diabetics:

Millet with Onions
2 cups millet, soaked
1/2 onion, diced
2 carrots, diced
1/4 cup hijiki, soaked and cut
6 cups water
1/2 tsp. sea salt
Toasted sesame seeds

Layer vegetables in order given. Add millet, water and salt. Cover Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer 30 minutes. Stir and served sprinkled with sesame seeds.

The secret to this recipe is the millet, a very inexpensive and common grain.

Yuhanna bin Masawayh (known in the West as Mesue), an accomplished Arab pharmacist, said, “A physician who can cure by using only diet without drugs, is the most successful and skilled of all physicians.” This is certainly true if you are on a budget, are taking medications that may interfere with herbs, you want to seek a simpler solution, you want to minimize side effects, or you live in a country where many things are unavailable.

Certainly food should be considered a very real alternative to importing special medicines and herbs or taking risky medicines. The following website has a partial list of some foods and diets that cure illness:

Thursday 12 April 2012


Exercising Is The Best 

Being healthy is one way of keeping you away from sickness. You can live longer and things just go faster and easy when you are healthy. One thing you can do to maintain a healthy living is to eat the right food and exercise. These are very important in our daily lives. Eat a balance diet and exercise are the key to a healthy living and good lifestyle in the long run. I always love going to the gym. It keeps me fresh and feels so light everyday. It is not expensive and it gives good benefits to your body. Keeping ourselves fit and healthy are good indication that you have a healthy heart. This is very good because our heart is the most important part of our body and keeping it healthy means keeping you alive and going. 


American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 5 (1): 126-140, 2009
ISSN 1818-6769
© IDOSI Publications, 2009

Useful Medicinal Flora Enlisted in Holy Quran and Ahadith
Mushtaq Ahmad, Mir Ajab Khan, Sarfaraz Khan Marwat,
Muhammad Zafar, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Tamoor Ul Hassan and Shazia Sultana

¹Department of Plant Sciences Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan²Department of Arabic, Islamic Studies and Research Gomal University, Dera Ismail, Khan, Pakistan


The present research work is a part of check list of medicinal flora and their uses enlisted in Holly Quran, Ahadith and Islamic literature. The main aim of this study is to establish how the different parts or aspects of plant based Islamic medicines (Tibb) such as use of medicinal plants, health principle, hygiene,practice, thought and culture when taken together, demonstrate both wholeness as a system and systematic nature of plant based Islamic medicines. In view of the importance of this study comprehensive and detailed data was systematically collected from Holly Quran, Ahadith`s books, Islamic history and books written on the Islamic medicines. Present findings confined to 32 medicinal plants species belonging to 30 genera of 23 families of plant kingdom. Results were systematically arranged by alphabetic order of botanical names followed by English name, Arabic name, family, habit and habitat, distribution, part used, medicinal uses and references cited from Holly Quran, Ahadith and Islamic books. It is concluded that herbal medicines are being used by about 80% of the world population, mainly developing countries for primary health care because of better cultural acceptability, better compatibility with human body and lesser side effects. It is recommended that plant based industries should be developed in the light of Islamic teaching and research.

Key words: Medicinal flora % Checklist % Uses % Holly Quran and Ahadith

The Prophet (SAWW) said;
That mushroom is a good cure for the eyes;
it also serves as a form of birth control and arrests paralysis.


Cure of diseases through medicinal plants is always a salient feature of islamic teaching and preaching. Islamic medicine started from hazrat adam (alaihe salaam.) and was completed at Hazrat Muhammad (sallallaho alaihe wasallaam) but search and compiling of these medicine is still continued after the death of holy prophet Muhammad (sallallaho alaihe wasallaam) through out the world. Al-Quran is one of the best reference book describing the importance of plants in different surahs as in al-momeenoon, al-rehman, al-bakra and al-inaam. Our holy prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallaam) used and recommended medicinal plants for various ailments and food [1].

The History Of Islamic Medicine Started Form Second Century Of Hijra, Abdul Malik Bin Habib Undlasi Compiled His First Book “tib-e-nabvi”. In Third Century Of Hijra Muhammad Bin Abu Bakar Ibne Ulsani And Abu Naeem Isphani Compiled Their Books On This Topic. In The Same Era Other Muslim Scholars Like Ali Bin Mossa Raza And Imam Kazim Bin Jaffar Also Worked On Islamic Medicines. In The Fourth Century Of Hijra Muslims Scholars Like Abi Jaffar Almustaghfri, Zia Uddin Almukadasi, Shams Uddin Albali, Kahal Ibne Tarkhan, Muhammad Bin Ahmed Zahabi, Muhammad Abu Baker Alkaim, Jalal Uddin Alseuoti And Abdul Razzaq Bin Mustafa Altanki did a great work in this field. The books written in this era “alnabvi fee mannafal makalat” by abdul razzaq altanki is a good one. The other book which is best and still available is “kanzulamal fee sanan walakwal” also provide us much more information about medicines of holy prophet (sallallaho alaihe wasallaam) [2].

The climax of islamic medicines started from Abu Bin Zakria Alrazi. He wrote his famous book “HADDI KABEER” while the book “KAMAL-UL-SANNAT” by Ali Bin Abbas is also a good one [3] these medicinal plants continue to be extensively used as major source of drugs for t treatment of many ailments. There is now growing awareness to encourage indigenous production and processing of these plants used in different cultures and religious. Present investigation does not mean that the plant and plant parts which are described in Holy Quran for medicinal purposes but described for other purposes. But in this study emphasis was on medicinal uses as used in different cultures, traditions and religions. In this research medicinal uses of these plants are experience of different communities of world. Holy Quran is considered to be the reference for the citation of these plants. Honey which is the product of different plant species is described for medicinal purpose in the Holy Quran. Keeping in view the importance of diverse medicinal flora and rich medicinal culture of Islam, research work was conducted to prepare checklist, investigate medicinal uses and create awareness about the medicinal flora enlisted in Holy Quran, Ahadith, Islamic literature and culture for the welfare of human communities throughout the world.


The research work was conducted by reviewing the most acceptable literature given in Holly Quran Ahadith and Islamic books. Comprehensive and detailed information about medicinal plants were collected from these sources. The notation given in the Islamic books were also cited and confirmed from Holly Quran and Ahadith. Check list and medicinal inventory of plants was arranged in systematic order of botanical names in alphabetic order followed by English name, Arabic name, family, habit and distribution, part used, medicinal uses and references cited from Holy Quran, Ahadith and Islamic books. Correct botanical names, their families and identification of plants were done by using of available literature [4-8]. Correct botanical nomenclature was also confirmed by comparing with already known specimens of her-barium of Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad-Pakistan.


Present findings were confined to 32 plant species belonging to 30 genera of 23 families enlisted in holly quran, ahadith and islamic literature. These plants are quran, ahadith and islamic literature. These plants are world for various aspects such as medicinal, food and industrial products. Data inventory constitute botanical name, english name, local names, arabic name, family, habit and distribution; parts used, medicinal uses and references cited from holy quran, ahadith and islamic book.

Agaricus campestris L.

English Name: Mushroom
Local Name: Khunbii
Arabic Name: Esh El-Ghorab
Family: Agaricaceae
Habit and Habitat: Fleshy fungus found in terrestrial and moist habitat.
Distribution: Cosmopolitan
Part used: Whole part
Medicinal uses: Eye diseases, clear eyes, physical strength, germicide, arthritis, paralysis, parkensis,muscle pain, headache and dizziness

References from Ahadith
C Bukhari (Ravi: Saeed Bin Zaid) [9].
C Sahih-Al-Muslim. Ravi: Saeed bin Zaid. Kitabul Ashraba[12].
C Ibne-Majja. Ravi: Saeed Bin Zaid [11].

Corresponding Author:
Mushtaq Ahmad, Department of Plant Sciences Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Ganoderma Cultivation

Worldwide, Ganoderma Cultivation following methods:
1) Wood log cultivation, the most popular method.
2) Pot or bottle cultivation.
3) Tank cultivation.
Over the past 30 years, numerous studies have been made to find the best method to create high-quality Ganoderma lucidum. These observations have shown that the best method to harvest high-quality Ganoderma lucidum is the wood log cultivation. Some of the other necessary attributes needed for the highest quality Ganoderma are:
(l) Selection of the highest strain.
(2) Using the right method of cultivation.
(3) To harvest them at the right time.
(4) To treat them properly after the harvest.

1) Selection of the highest strain:

The term "strain of Ganoderma lucidum" is not defined academical term. We use the term "strain of Ganoderma lucidum" here, to classify Ganoderma lucidum for being spread. There are many strains of Ganoderma lucidum, and Ganoderma lucidum included in the "GY system" are all of good strains. There are three typical strains "GYN", "GYK", "GYG" all part of the "GY system" Ganoderma lucidum. These strains have special characteristics as defined in the following table.
Ganoderma Cultivation
Three Typical Strains of GY-System
Color of pileus
Characteristics of medical effect
Five colors
(red, blue, black, yellow, white)
Mainly fixes the function of "Sei" (Energy), i.e ., blood and muscle.
Fine yellow
Mainly fixes the function of "Ki" (Air), i.e., trachea, blood vessel and skin.
Fine white
Mainly fixes the function of "Shin" (Spirit), i.e., brain, nervous system, sense organs, capillaries such as spleen, pancreas, gallbladder.


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